Partnering With a Virtual Assistant vs. Hiring an Employee

va vs. hire

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Entrepreneurs and business owners are inundated with great ideas and endless possibilities to grow their business. There are numerous avenues the entrepreneur can take that could propel her business to the next level. But the problem comes when the possibilities are almost too vast. The decision-making process is exhausting or even paralyzing.

But one business decision is very easy to make.

Should I partner with a virtual assistant or should I hire an employee?

Many small businesses do not need to make the jump to hiring a full-time or even part-time employee when they only need specific tasks completed on a regular basis. It makes more sense to hire a capable professional to complete those tasks virtually.

Take a look at this infographic for the top four reasons to choose a virtual professional to complete the tasks that will help your business grow.

virtual assistant, small business employee, entrepreneur

There is little risk when partnering with a virtual assistant. No need to worry about if the hiring decision you made is the right one. You may choose to continue your relationship with your virtual assistant on future projects or simply work together on a single outsourced need.

So, take the leap. Don’t let the unknowns of the hiring process paralyze you. Simply contact us at Tessera Virtual Business Solutions to see if we are a good fit for you. We would love to help you take care of the details.

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