Why You Need Systems from the Start

frustrated man in office needs systems

Here’s the thing about systems in your business. They are not flashy. They don’t usually generate a lot of excitement. Honestly, sometimes they just get a bad rap because so many entrepreneurs don’t love the work of creating these essential pieces of their business. 

However, having a network of systems in your business is the only way to see consistent growth, which translates into consistent results. 

You could argue that you are a small company and that you have managed quite well without creating a multitude of systems. However, I would push back in three specific ways. 

1. Systems Are Already In Place

First, for anything to run well, there must be some kind of system in place, even if it is only in your head. So chances are you have many already going in your business. Perhaps they are just not written down.

2. Written Systems Help Business Growth

Second, your business may be moving along fine at this point with those systems in your head. However, are you willing to let your business stop growing at this point in time? Are you content to be a static business, experiencing no growth over the next year? 

If your plans are for growth, now is the time — when you are small — to create those written systems that will ensure that when growth moves you forward, it will be a smooth process. You certainly do not want to have to slow your growth because you don’t have the basics in place.

3. Written Systems Give Time Back To You

The third benefit of having systems from the start is that using them literally gives you time back in your day. Have you ever complained to someone that you just need a couple more hours in your day? Creating written systems will give you that.

If there is a repeated process in your day, week, or month, having a written description of that process will stop you from wasting your time or energy remembering what to do when. It will include not only the documented process but will also link all documents needed so that you have them on hand for quick implementation.

And when these processes are documented, you have the added bonus of being able to easily delegate your work to an assistant or a manager. The time you save increases exponentially, freeing your to move your business forward in more significant ways. 

If you are not sure where to start, pick one of the four suggested systems here. When you are ready to move your systems from your head to your hard drive, send me a message. We have some simple ways to get you started. 

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